最近在做集团任务中心视图的优化 发现几个系统的sql视图慢的过分 直接po代码 核心的业务sql 已蒙蔽
create or replace view km_todotasklist as select "ID","DEVICE_TYPE","SYSTEM_TYPE","TASK_CODE","TASK_TYPE1","TASK_TYPE2","TITLE","STATUS","OWNER_ID","OWNER_NAME","PRIORITY","CREATE_ID","CREATE_TIME","UPDATE_ID","UPDATE_TIME" from ( select t.id_ as id, CASE WHEN (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) is null THEN 'PC,APP' WHEN (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) is not null THEN 'PC' ELSE (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) END as device_type, 'KM' as system_type, '核心业务URL’||utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw((select to_char(t.next_user_id_) from OA_OT_PROCESS_RECORD t where t.next_task_id_ = t.id_ and rownum=1)))) as task_code, '代办' as task_type1, to_char(mo.name) as task_type2, to_char(a.title) as title, '0' as status, (select to_char(t.next_user_id_) from OA_OT_PROCESS_RECORD t where t.next_task_id_ = t.id_ and rownum=1) as owner_id, (select em.real_name from IMS_OT_USER t inner join IMS_OT_EMPLOYEE em on t.employee_id = em.id where t.user_login_name = (select t.next_user_id_ from OA_OT_PROCESS_RECORD t where t.next_task_id_ = t.id_ and rownum=1) and rownum=1) as owner_name, '' as priority, a.creator as create_id, a.create_time as create_time, '' as update_id, '' as update_time from oa_ot_application a inner join act_ru_task t on t.proc_inst_id_ = a.pro_inst_id and t.task_def_key_ <> 'usertask2' inner join oa_ot_application_ext et on et.app_id = a.id and et.business_type ='1' inner join OA_OT_APP_MODULE mo on a.module_id =mo.id UNION ALL select t.id as id, 'PC' as device_type, 'KM' as system_type, ''||(select t.oa_req_url from OA_OT_APP_MODULE t where t.id =a.module_id)||'/input.htm?taskId='||t.id||'&appId='||a.id||'&sid='|| utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(to_char(t.user_id)))) as task_code, '待阅' as task_type1, to_char(mo.name) as task_type2, to_char(a.title) as title, '0' as status, to_char(t.user_id) as owner_id, (select em.real_name from IMS_OT_USER t inner join IMS_OT_EMPLOYEE em on t.employee_id = em.id where t.user_login_name = t.user_id and rownum=1) as owner_name, '' as priority, a.creator as create_id, a.create_time as create_time, '' as update_id, '' as update_time from oa_ot_application a inner join oa_ru_circulation t on t.proc_inst_id = a.pro_inst_id inner join oa_ot_application_ext et on et.app_id = a.id inner join OA_OT_APP_MODULE mo on a.module_id =mo.id ) t order by t.create_time desc;
1 了解核心业务需求
2 了解目前sql痛点
3 改进sql
create or replace view km_todotasklist as select t.id_ as id, CASE WHEN (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) is null THEN 'PC,APP' WHEN (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) is not null THEN 'PC' ELSE (select t.cfg_value from SYS_OT_CONFIG t where t.code ='SERVER_H5_MODELID' and INSTR( t.cfg_value ,a.module_id)>0 ) END as device_type, 'KM' as system_type, '核心业务URL'||utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(re.next_user_id_))) as task_code, '代办' as task_type1, to_char(mo.name) as task_type2, to_char(a.title) as title, '0' as status, re.next_user_id_ as owner_id, emp.real_name as owner_name, '' as priority, a.creator as create_id, a.create_time as create_time, '' as update_id, '' as update_time from oa_ot_application a inner join act_ru_task t on t.proc_inst_id_ = a.pro_inst_id inner join oa_ot_application_ext et on et.app_id = a.id and et.business_type ='1' inner join OA_OT_APP_MODULE mo on a.module_id =mo.id left join OA_OT_PROCESS_RECORD re on re.next_task_id_ = t.id_ left join IMS_OT_USER uss on re.next_user_id_ =uss.user_login_name left join IMS_OT_EMPLOYEE emp on uss.employee_id= emp.id;