


internal struct DisposableStruct : IDisposable {
    public void Dispose() { }

static void DoSomething(object args) { }

static void UsingStruct() {                    // Line 31
    using (var ds = new DisposableStruct()) {  // Line 32
        DoSomething(ds);                       // Line 33
    }                                          // Line 34
}                                              // Line 35


.method private hidebysig static 
    void UsingStruct () cil managed noinlining
    // Method begins at RVA 0x26a0
    // Code size 36 (0x24)
    .maxstack 1
    .locals init (
        [0] valuetype .DisposableStruct ds

    IL_0000: ldloca.s ds
    IL_0002: initobj .DisposableStruct
        IL_0008: ldloc.0
        IL_0009: box .DisposableStruct
        IL_000e: call void .Program::DoSomething(object)
        IL_0013: leave.s IL_0023
    } // end .try
        IL_0015: ldloca.s ds
        IL_0017: constrained. .DisposableStruct
        IL_001d: callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IDisposable::Dispose()
        IL_0022: endfinally
    } // end handler

    IL_0023: ret
} // end of method Program::UsingStruct


Format Assembly Format Description FE 16 < T > constrained. thisType Call a virtual method on a type constrained to be type T.

The constrained prefix is designed to allow callvirt instructions to be made in a uniform way independent of whether thisType is a value type or a reference type.

When a callvirt method instruction has been prefixed by constrained thisType, the instruction is executed as follows:

If thisType is a reference type (as opposed to a value type) then ptr is dereferenced and passed as the 'this' pointer to the callvirt of method.

If thisType is a value type and thisType implements method then ptr is passed unmodified as the 'this' pointer to a call method instruction, for the implementation of method by thisType.

If thisType is a value type and thisType does not implement method then ptr is dereferenced, boxed, and passed as the 'this' pointer to the callvirt method instruction.

This last case can occur only when method was defined on Object, ValueType, or Enum and not overridden by thisType. In this case, the boxing causes a copy of the original object to be made. However, because none of the methods of Object, ValueType, and Enum modify the state of the object, this fact cannot be detected.


后来我又一不小心搜到了StackOverflow上与Phil Hacck博客上的明确说法。这让我有些郁闷,假如我早点知道这在网上有答案,我就不用花实现去调查,甚至已经开始准备这篇文章了。还好中间我还走过一些“弯路”,也算是给世界增加一点新资料吧。由于之前我不知道这里的关键在于constrained指令,我还把这个方法JIT后的代码打印了出来(所有地址都省去了高位的000007fe):

Normal JIT generated code
Begin 87d40120, size 63

...\Program.cs @ 32:
87d40120    push    rbp
87d40121    sub     rsp,30h
87d40125    lea     rbp,[rsp+20h]
87d4012a    mov     qword ptr [rbp],rsp
87d4012e    mov     byte ptr [rbp+8],0 // 初始化DisposableStruct对象
87d40132    mov     byte ptr [rbp+8],0

...\Program.cs @ 33:
87d40136    lea     rcx,[87c248b0]
87d4013d    lea     rdx,[rbp+8] // 准备装箱的值类型对象
87d40141    call    clr+0x2670 (e7392670) (JitHelp: CORINFO_HELP_BOX)
87d40146    mov     rcx,rax // 装箱操作的返回值赋值给rcx作为参数
87d40149    call    87c2c020 (Program.DoSomething(System.Object), ...)
87d4014e    xchg    ax,ax
87d40150    nop

...\Program.cs @ 35:
87d40151    lea     rcx,[rbp+8] // 准备调用Dispose的值类型对象作为参数
87d40155    call    87c2c0e0 (DisposableStruct.Dispose(), ...)
87d4015a    nop
87d4015b    lea     rsp,[rbp+10h]
87d4015f    pop     rbp
87d40160    ret

...\Program.cs @ 32:
87d40161    push    rbp
87d40162    sub     rsp,30h
87d40166    mov     rbp,qword ptr [rcx+20h]
87d4016a    mov     qword ptr [rsp+20h],rbp
87d4016f    lea     rbp,[rbp+20h]

...\Program.cs @ 35:
87d40173    lea     rcx,[rbp+8]
87d40177    call    87c2c0e0 (DisposableStruct.Dispose(), ...)
87d4017c    nop
87d4017d    add     rsp,30h
87d40181    pop     rbp
87d40182    ret



Author:jeffz@live.com (老赵)